
成都高中学校 > 成都高中学校排名 > 成都树德中学国际部(光华校区)[普高]




    树德中学由国民党陆军上将孙震将军创办于1929年, 以“忠、勇、勤”为校箴,以“树德树人”为办学宗旨而得名。学校目前是首批国家级重点高中。树德中学(光华校区)目前是成都市城区占地面积最大的公办中学。光华校区现有超过4000名学生,在四川省内享有特殊名望。光华校区集美丽与广阔为一体,校内设施包括图书馆,实验室,体育馆,体育场,食堂,寝室以及其他一切为学生提供绝佳学习环境的设施。

    School Introduction

    Shude High School was founded by the Kuomintang Army General Sun Zhen in 1929, with "loyalty, courage, and diligence.” Shude High School is now a first national key high school. Shude (Guanghua campus) is currently the largest urban public high school in Chengdu. The Guanghua campus has over 4,000 students. It is an exceptionally prestigious school within Sichuan Province and there is a high demand for places. The Guanghua campus is both beautiful and spacious. It has libraries, laboratories, a gymnasium, outdoor sports facilities, student cafeteria, student dormitory, and other amenities all designed to create an excellent learning environment.




    AP center Introduction

    Chengdu Shude (Guanghua Campus) AP Centre was established in 2010. The Centre serves Chinese native speaking students in grades 10, 11, and 12.All AP (Advanced Placement) courses are taught in English by a strong team of dedicated Chinese and foreign teachers. In 2016 100% of our students were admitted into North American colleges and Commonwealth Universities. This is indicative of the growing commitment and confidence of both staff and students.

    Students sit an entrance test in order to gain admission into our Grade 10 programme in English and Mathematics. This is a preparatory year for AP and students are meticulously taught the key concept and skills which will pave the way for future successes.
