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2024-09-03 15:58 四川自考中心报名









The registration time for the adult college entrance examination is generally around August 29th to September 5th each year. However, due to special circumstances such as the impact of the epidemic, the registration time may be delayed by about a week. Usually, there will be a one-week registration period. After registration, on-site confirmation is also required, which is usually done in mid-September. Most provinces have online confirmation, but a few provinces still require offline confirmation. On-site confirmation includes verifying the registration information and taking photos to make the admission ticket to prevent someone from taking the exam on behalf of others.

After on-site confirmation, the admission ticket will be printed one week before the exam. The admission ticket will specify the exam subjects, exam schedules, and exam venues. The exams are generally scheduled for the third weekend of October, unless there are changes due to the epidemic.

The exam results are usually released the following month, around November. Universities will send out admission letters in December or January of the next year. In March or April of the next year, you can check your academic status on the National Academic Information Inquiry Website (学信网).

Then, online learning for university courses will be conducted twice a year, usually in May and November, with final exams. After two and a half years (counting from the year of enrollment on the National Academic Information Inquiry Website), you can graduate.

Note: In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been reforming the adult college entrance examination, and one significant change is the significant reduction in enrollment plans for various universities. This change may result in an increase in the admission scores. Therefore, for those who want to improve their education through the adult college entrance examination, please pay attention to register early according to your own foundation. It is recommended to seek professional teachers for exam materials and guidance and start reviewing early.


The subjects for the High Vocational Entrance Examination include Chinese, Mathematics (for humanities), and Foreign Language for both humanities and science streams.
The subjects for the Higher Education Entrance Examination for various majors include Chinese, Mathematics (for humanities), Foreign Language, and Integrated Course of History and Geography (abbreviated as History and Geography) for humanities stream, and Chinese, Mathematics (for science), Foreign Language, and Integrated Course of Physics and Chemistry (abbreviated as Physics and Chemistry) for science stream.
The subjects for the Associate Degree to Bachelor's Degree Entrance Examination consist of three courses: two general courses and one professional foundation course. The subjects for different disciplines are as follows:
For Philosophy, Literature (excluding art), History, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Pharmacy (first-level disciplines), the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and College Chinese.
For Art (first-level discipline), the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Introduction to Art.
For Engineering, Science (excluding Biological Science, Geography Science, Environmental Science, and Psychology), the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Advanced Mathematics I.
For Economics, Management, Vocational Education, Biological Science, Geography Science, Environmental Science, Psychology, and Pharmacy (excluding Traditional Chinese Medicine), the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Advanced Mathematics II.
For Law, the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Civil Law.
For Education, the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Educational Theory.
For Agriculture, the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Ecological Foundation.
For Medicine (excluding Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy), the examination subjects are Politics, Foreign Language, and Medical Comprehensive.
For the foreign language subject of High Vocational, Higher Education, and Associate Degree to Bachelor's Degree examinations, candidates can choose English, Japanese, or Russian based on the requirements of the school and major they are applying to.




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