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2024-09-15 03:23 四川自考中心报名







To apply for the undergraduate degree certificate within two years of graduation, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The overall average score of the examination courses should not be lower than 65 (excluding physical education courses, graduation thesis or design, and other graduation practice activities).

  2. The similarity index of the undergraduate thesis should be controlled within 30%.

  3. English language proficiency requirements for degree recognition (one of the following criteria must be met):
    A. Pass the degree English examination organized by the Sichuan Provincial Higher Education Admissions Examination Committee.
    B. Pass the National English Proficiency Test (PETS) and obtain a level three or above written test certificate.
    C. Achieve a score of 60 or above in the unified exam course "00015 English (II)".





  1. To log into the system, you need to use your valid resident ID card number. The password for logging in is the password you have set, whether you are a new or existing candidate. If you are currently enrolled and have not changed your password, your default password is the last 6 digits of your valid resident ID card number. Please note that if there is an error in your personal identity information and you are unable to log into the management system (including cases where your valid resident ID card number, photo, or both have not been collected, or cases where your collected ID card number cannot be verified), you can contact the enrollment examination institution or the self-study office of the registering county (city or district) or institution to complete your personal information and generate an account. After doing so, you will be able to log in normally.

  2. To ensure the smooth progress of the application process, the exam registration system's query function for checking your exam registration status will be temporarily disabled. Before applying, candidates must log into the management system themselves (candidate portal website: https://zk.sceea.cn/) to check the courses they need to apply for.

  3. According to relevant examination regulations from the Ministry of Education, candidates whose basic information (name, valid resident ID card number, gender, nationality, photo, etc.) does not match their valid resident ID card information will not be allowed to enter the exam room and participate in the exam. The examination fee paid will not be refunded. Candidates with incorrect basic information should apply for correction during the "exam registration information change" period and participate in the next exam after the correction is made.

  4. Currently, all courses in our province's self-study exams can be retaken. Before applying, candidates must carefully verify the courses they need to apply for. Once the registration fee is paid and the application is successful, the examination fee paid will not be refunded.

  5. The examination admission number issued for obtaining graduation certificates and transferring out of the province cannot be reused. If candidates want to continue participating in self-study exams, they need to re-register and apply.

  6. Candidates who apply for transferring out of the province cannot use the admission number they have used to apply for courses in our province.

  7. Under the same exam session, the same valid resident ID card number cannot be used to simultaneously apply for and participate in exams in different counties (cities, districts), as well as in other provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government). Candidates should select all the courses they plan to apply for at once and then choose the county (city, district) they plan to take the exam in based on the available exam seats. If a candidate has already applied for and paid for some courses, and the available exam seats in the selected county (city, district) are insufficient, the candidate will be unable to continue applying for other courses.

  8. To avoid missing the deadline for course registration and payment due to network congestion or other reasons, candidates are advised to plan their time well and complete the registration, payment, and other relevant operations as early as possible.




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